Monday, November 1, 2010

Fossil record BioLogos obviously missing the Cambrian explosion page

BioLogos Web site has a static page titled "what the fossil record show?," which naturally one would expect if you read the page, and then you will learn that show the fossils. What is strange about the page, is that the page makes no mention of the Cambrian explosion. This is in spite of the fact that Robert Carroll calls the Cambrian explosion "[t] he most visible event in metazoan evolution":

Most visible event in metazoan evolution was originally dramatic new main structures and documented by the Cambrian explosion body plans. Up to 530 million years ago multicellular animals consisted mainly of forms simple and soft, most have been identified by fossils cnidarians and sponges.Then, in less than 10 million years ago, almost all the advanced phyla appeared, including the echinoderms, chordates, annelids, Brachiopods, shellfish and a multitude of arthropods .the anatomical changes extreme speed and evolutionary during this short period radiation requires explanations that go beyond those proposed for the evolution of the species in modern biota.

(Robert l. Carroll, "towards a new evolutionary synthesis," trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 15 (1): 27-32 (2000) (internal citation suppressed).)

In fact, page fossil record of the BioLogos makes any mention of the profile of new forms of cohabitation in the history of the vie.Voici despite explosions that as a manual States, zoology taxa upper and lower tend to appear suddenly, making it more widespread fossil characteristics.

Many species remain virtually unchanged for millions of years, then suddenly disappear to be replaced by a form very different, but related. In addition, most major groups of animals appear suddenly in the register of fossils, fully formed and with no yet discovered fossil forming a transition from their parent groups.

(P.o. box Hickman, L.S. Roberts and F.M. Hickman, principles integrated zoology, p. 866 (1988, 8th ed.).)

What exactly does the fossil record show?It certainly shows a number of explosions and Cambrian is perhaps the most spectacular of all.In some ways, but this entire event - and the entire model - is ruled out BioLogos explaining showing fossiles.Au place, page BioLogos focuses on a few isolated (and questionable) examples of gradual change - exceptions to the standard rule of brutal appearance.

Why omissions? perhaps because, as explained in a 2003 paper in the Revue internationale de developmental biology, the Cambrian explosion poses a challenge to unguided Darwinian evolution:

major evolutionary transition in the animal evolution still explain causality.... as it is, microevolution does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the extraordinary explosion of novelty of the Cambrian explosion.

(Jaume Bagu?a and Jordi Garcia-Fernandez, "Evo-Devo: the long and Winding Road," International Journal of Developmental Biology, vol. 47: 705-713 (2003) (internal citation suppressed).)

Yet this most remarkable event in the history of animal life is conspicuously missing description of "what did the fossil record show" BioLogos

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