Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are You Fully Equipped To Groom Your Dog?

Are You Fully Equipped To Groom Your Dog?

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Are You Fully Equipped To Groom Your Dog?

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Are You Fully Equipped To Groom Your Dog?

By: Richard Perkins

About the Author

For more details, check out my site on dog grooming clippers. You can also get more helpful information on professional dog grooming equipment.

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Article Source: You Fully Equipped To Groom Your Dog?

Suppose you have acquired a new dog and would like to take good care of it including grooming it. As a new dog owner, you need all the help you can get and must have a lot of questions as far as taking care of your new pet. Here are two of the common questions you might be asking yourself as well: What is the right way of grooming your dog? What equipment and supplies should be included on your grooming equipment list?

Having a pet is like having an additional child in the family. As the parents, you should take good care of your kids and you should do the same way to your dog. What does dog grooming entail? The five basic things you need to do for your dog, aside from feeding and taking it for a walk are: Bathing it, clipping its hair, trimming its nails, brushing or combing its hair and cleaning its ears.

So then, what tools do you need to do all these grooming task? First off, you need a washing basin, bucket, or better still, tub. Your dog needs it own container for bathing. This container should have sufficient space to fit the dog and have a shape that makes it easy for you to work without a hassle. The other important and very basic tools and supplies include a shampoo and brushes.

The second major equipment you need is a dog grooming table. An ideal table will have a lever that allows you to raise or lower it to your size; it should also be skid free so that the dog does not skid as you work. It should also have a handle where you can fasten the dog to prevent it jumping off or moving around while you are grooming it. Rest assured tables like the one we are describing here, or even better, exist in the market.

Since you need to clip your dog’s hair, you will need hair clippers. There are various types of clippers available including simple scissors if need be. Most clippers are electro-powered. You can either get those that have a cord so that you connect to power as you clip or the cordless types which use rechargeable cells. The clippers also vary in size. Heavy duty clippers are faster but there will be times when you prefer low to medium duty clippers.

Your next tool is a nail trimmer. Like hair clippers, there are many types of nail trimmer in the market and you can get either manual or electric. Modern electric nail trimmers even have built-in technology that enables you to know when you have reached the dog’s quick.

The tools and equipment discussed here are not all there is. We have not discussed others like hair brushes, and ear cleaning tools but these are basically the most crucial tools and supplies you should have. As a final thought, you need to know that you may need to learn some of the grooming procedures.

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Richard Perkins -
About the Author:

For more details, check out my site on dog grooming clippers. You can also get more helpful information on professional dog grooming equipment.


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pet, pets, dog, dog grooming, dog grooming clippers, professional dog grooming equipment, dog grooming equipment, heavy duty dog grooming clippers

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